New this Rotary year is the Polio Plus piggy bank, now at the front table for each meeting, encouraging Rotarians and guests to donate any spare change, and maybe more, into the large glass Polio Plus jar. CHNR's goal is to collect at least $1,500 for the Polio Plus campaign this Rotary year.
Share Rotary with others! Here is an example "elevator pitch" as suggested by CHNR President Velyn Anderson:
We are a group of your neighbors and professionals who want to make the world a better place. We put food in kids' tummies, shoes on their feet and books in their hands. We feed seniors and homeless, and deliver it with a smile. We provide Christmas gifts for families, do improvement projects in our community, and provide clean water to communities without. We provide shelter for war widows in The Ukraine, support youth behavioral health at home and abroad, and send youth to leadership camps. Last year, we raised $42,000 for scholarships, and we are going to eliminate polio from the world. And we have fun doing it!
We are your premier non-governmental, non-political action group in the world. There are 1.4 million Rotarians worldwide, and we are people of action. We would love to have you join us at a meeting.